CITREX H5 high-end Ventilator Tester

The best mobile gas flow analyser in its class.

The ideal all-in-one test device for medical technicians, independent service providers, anesthesia and respiratory equipment manufacturers.

The CITREX H5 gas flow and pressure gauge offers the most advanced user interface for demanding applications on a high-resolution 4.3 inch multi-touch screen. It is portable, precise and as a user, you can customize the measurement screens to suit your needs.

The CITREX H5 is designed to support you in a variety of daily applications. Thanks to its precision and reliability, you can use the CITREX H5 to test a wide range of medical devices such as respiratory and anesthesia devices, oxygen flow meters, pressure gauges and suction devices.

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Apps for testing medical devices

Run tests easier and faster with our new apps.

The CITREX H5 ventilator analyser supports users with apps for testing and calibrating their devices. The apps enable safe and fast testing. Entire test sequences are displayed with images and texts, and measured automatically. The test results are recorded in a PDF report, which can be signed directly on the screen.

Application Note 23  

Embedded Webserver for WLAN

With its cutting-edge Embedded Webserver feature, you can effortlessly view and download test reports from the comfort of your web browser. Gone are the days of complicated network integrations and clunky data transfers. The CITREX H5's Embedded Webserver ensures seamless integration into your WLAN network, enabling you to monitor readings from any location. The Embedded Webserver also offers a range of useful features, including the ability to monitor and reset statistical values, export measured values as a CSV file, and display and download saved test reports in both PDF and CSV formats.


Updates via Wi-Fi

Now your test device is always up-to-date.

The CITREX H5 Wi-Fi connection makes it possible to download the latest software directly to your device. Updates can be done in just a few steps so you can benefit from new features immediately.

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Recording Feature

Recording Feature

Record test results easily.

The recording feature simplifies your daily ventilator testing procedures. It allows you to define the selected parameters of your ventilator tests for up to 24 hours and it’s easy and intuitive to use. With the integrated USB interface, your test data can easily be transferred to a computer to create customized Excel reports and graphs.

Watch in the short demo video, how the new CITREX H5 recording tool documents your ventilator test data.

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Biomedical test set CITREX H5

The mobile test set for high demands.

With the CITREX H5 you always get the full accessories set. It makes your measurement system a powerful and comprehensive package. The meter and accessories are shipped together in handy carrying case.

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High-resolution real-time graphics

Display ventilation parameters graphically.

On the large CITREX H5 screen, you can display curves and measured values in high resolution. You decide which values and curves are important to you. Display them at any time as a full-screen view and get statistics of the measured parameters.


Always have the correct measurements at hand.

With CITREX profiles, you can create individual setup profiles for each ventilation device type and application. This means you always have the right settings for your measurements and calibrations at hand and work with the same high standards throughout the company.

profiles H5

EasyCal Calibration Service

The convenient, simple calibration service.

EasyCal is a professional calibration and maintenance service for your CITREX H5. The EasyCal service includes annual maintenance and an update to the latest version of the software. With EasyCal, you will benefit from software improvements and adjustment of all sensors. Thus, you can rely on the precision of your gas flow testing device for the long term.

With our EasyCal online platform, you can determine the pick-up time for your IMT Analytics measuring device and automatically create the necessary freight and customs papers.

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Oxygen measurement

Check the oxygen concentration quickly and easily.

The accurate measurement of oxygen concentration is a basic function for verifying and calibrating respiratory devices.

Our standard oxygen measurement allows you to perform analysis over the full range from 0% to 100%.

oxygen mesurement

Gas standards and gas types

Compatible with a large number of gas standards and gas types.

The CITREX H5 can determine the gas flow in eight different gas types. These can be represented in 17 different gas standards. This range covers most common gas standards, allowing the calibration of most respiratory devices available on the market.

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Training and application notes

Use your CITREX optimally.

For the correct calibration and verification of flow and pressure generating devices, you should know your own measuring instruments. We have the necessary know how. In addition to personal training, we also offer you videos on our YouTube channel, that explain various topics of flow and pressure measurement. Take advantage of this opportunity and visit our channel.

In our application notes, we describe testing or calibration procedures for specific devices. They help you learn how to set up your CITREX to test a particular ventilator.

Training Video:

Optimal set up for precise measurements

Application Notes

Twist and turn

Simple. Compact. Reliable.


    Benefit from the advantages of the CITREX H5 every day!

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